Monday, July 16, 2007

Week 8, Thing 18 - Online Productivity Tools

Well, I spent a bit of time playing with Google Docs and while I found it to be easy to use, I must say that I prefer Word or Excel. I created a document for one of my storytimes, which was helpful. I like the idea of having 1 stop shopping (everything that you can possibly need is in 1 spot) and I really like the fact that you can access the information from anything with an Internet connection (it sure beats carring around a thumb drive!), but I think that I would prefer to continue using microsoft products like Word and Excel. Perhaps it is because I am used to using them and am comfortable with using them that I prefer to stick with them. Usually I am up to learning about new technologies and I am generally willing to continue using them. This one, though, is a dud for me. Sad to say, but true!

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