Friday, October 26, 2007


My brother-in-law got married a few weeks ago. The wedding was a lovely affair - a beautiful day for Chris and Melissa. I don't have a decent picture of the happy couple. But, here's one of Charley and I, who were feeling pretty good by this point in the evening!

I love my cats!

This is "Cats in The Sac." Georgia O'Keefe would be jealous of my photo-taking ability :)

My Latest Puzzle

Well, it only took me a few days, but I finished my latest puzzle! This is one that Mom & Dad gave me for my birthday this year. It has a music theme with lots and lots of instruments, all of them labeled! Even though there is a bit of a glare and you might not be able to see it, the easiest one to do was the green guitar in the lower righthand corner. Of course, my favorite is the tuba, which I played for about 10 years. Even to this day, I feel like I could easily pick up a tuba and start playing again. Of course, the picking up part might be tougher than I remember.

But I digress - back to the puzzle...I enjoyed working on it, once I got into it. However, it took me a while to get to that point! I did the edge 3 different times because Shiloh, my dear cat, likes to walk on the board where I do my puzzles and she overturned it on several occasions!

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Way I Usually Wake Up

I love my cats, but they have a habit of waking me up early, no matter when I have to get up. Even if I have to be up super-early, they always get me up a good half-hour (at least) before. Well, when I saw this YouTube video on Cute Overload, I just had to post it! Welcome to my world!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away

Actually, I'm really happy that we are going to get some rain today. We obviously need it. It hasn't rained in weeks and we are dangerously close to drought conditions. However, tonight is the night that I'm supposed to do my first ghost walk at work. All week I have been stressing about this ghost walk. I don't consider myself to be a storyteller and I work much better with children than with adults. However, I've been practicting the material and I feel pretty good about it. I know that I just need to do it and I'll be fine, but for some reason I am super-nervous about it! I think that it is the dark thing - these are done at night and we actually visit the locations that ghosts have been known to haunt (including a cemetery) and that skeeves me out a bit! Maybe I am hoping for rain after all!! Last year I was also meant to do one and it got rained out. It's not looking good for tonight because thunderstorms are predicted, not just rain!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

You Know What They Say...

What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. Sometimes, when things are feeling really crappy, it is hard to remember this. I also know that when I'm feeling particularly down, I don't want to hear other people giving me such advice. I know that they are trying to be helpful and that they are trying to be comforting. But, sometimes, when I'm feeling down, I'd rather just crawl into a ball and be down. Actually, the reason for this post occurred a few days ago and emotionally I'm on the upswing. I know in my heart of hearts that things will work out and be fine, but sometimes I just need the time to be in a ball of sadness. Ah well... as they say, it will all work out in the end!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I love the Lord of the Rings. I have watched all 3 Peter Jackson films and the appedicies (over 12 hours of film and at least that amount of appedicies) so many times I have lost count. I often put it on as "background" while I am cleaning or folding laundry or doing work. No matter what I find myself reciting the lines and getting drawn away from whatever else I am doing. Pete Jackson is a genious and the years of work that went into those films produced a trilogy of films that I can't get enough of. I know that there has been talk about him making The Hobbit, but that it is not a likelihood at this point, but I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I would love to see the odds overcome and have him make the movie. I know that I am not alone and I also know that I don't know alot about the history of why he isn't going to make it, but there are lots of fans out there who would love see Pete make this film. Ah well... only time will tell. Until then, I have hours and hours of the trilogy to watch. And I will.