Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Week 2, Things 3 & 4 - Set up your own Blog and register it

Clearly, I'm having fun with this! I'm looking forward to spending some time customizing my blog and truly making it my own. I'm a bit ahead of schedule though, so I'm going to slow down and enjoy the ride. As I said in a previous post, I tend to learn by rapid-fire (jumping in too fast and not learning everything that I need to before I get overly-involved in something). So, my blog is now set up. It was quite easy. I'll confess that I have another blog (on AOL) that I recently started and I am a frequent commenter on other blogs (Cute Overload is one of my favorites). So, I have been exposed to blogging, but I haven't spent too much time on my own. This will be a great way to learn new things that I can do on my blog!

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