Friday, August 3, 2007

Week 9 - Thing 23

I can't believe I've finally reached The End! This has been a really good experience for me. There are lots of new technologies that are out there that I haven't had the time to discover. This concise program was a good way to get familiar with a lot of different technologies that I may not have found otherwise. I will certainly be making use of Overdrive, Flickr, YouTube, Yahoo Podcasts, and Library Thing. And it is great to be aware of all of the Things that we discovered in this program because now I can better relate to customers that make use of these Things and I can recommend them to customers that may not be familiar with them.

I am particularly excited to further explore Flickr. I have a new nephew that lives in Minneapolis, so I am hoping that my brother will make use of Flickr to help me (and my parents, who live in Connecticut) see photos of little Jack growing each week.

I knew that I would enjoy making discoveries in this program, but I didn't know how much I would come away with. There are at least 5 of the Things that I plan to regularly use in my life - and that is something! Actually, I am planning on continuing this blog, so that is another Thing!

This has been a very positive experience for me. It has been fun checking on other folks' blogs and to see what kinds of things other people are discovering. It has also been a good teamwork experience because many of us had to ask other co-workers how to accomplish various Things. It was good to work together and get input from one another. I would certainly participate in a program like this again. I think that giving us 12 weeks to complete the 9 weeks was a good idea. This way we didn't have to feel enormous pressure if we got behind or took a vacation. It's been a fun experience!

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